ええ、でも彼女って、本当にかわいかったわよね! だけどあの子は頭もすごくいいし、そういうのってほら、とっても格好いいわよね。の英語
- Yeah, but she was so cute! But she's really intelligent as well, which is, you know, pretty cool, you know?
前回は大阪公演の雰囲気がとっても良かったけど、地元で彼らに会えるっていうのもすごいわよね。: The Osaka show had such a good atmosphere last time but it would also be amazing to see them in our home town.
で……おいしいわよね、ただ思うんだけど、あれってすごく時間がかかるでしょ。ああいうものって、熱い油から揚げたてを食べるのが一番おいしいわけだし……: And ... it's delicious, but I think that it's very time-consuming. It's the kind of thing that it's best when it's right out of the hot oil ...
あの子、速いんだけどまっすぐ行ってないわよね。: He's fast, but he's not going straight.
もう、そういうのって本当に悲しいことよね。: Oh, that's so sad.
本当よ。私だってそう思ってたもの!でもあの子が学校行き始めたら、天才じゃなくて普通の子だって気付いたの。すごくがっかりしたわー。でもほら、蛙の子は蛙なのよね。: Yeah. I used to think so, too! But once he started going to school, I realized he was just a normal kid . I was so disappointed. But you know, like father, like son.
私の親友のウェンディ知ってるよね?あの子さあ、近々離婚するの。ウェンディがどんなにいい子か知ってるでしょ?それに旦那さんもすごくいい人だって知ってるよね?それなのに、なぜかうまくいかなかったのよね。: You know my best friend Wendy, don't you? She is getting divorced sometime soon. You know how sweet she is, and how nice her husband is. But somehow, it didn't work out.
あら、あの子たち英語で話してるわ!だからここっていいわよね。: They are speaking English! That's why I like this school.〔学校訪問〕
「あの子、ほかの子よりずっと走るのが遅いの。頑張って走ってるみたいなんだけど、でもすごく遅いのよねえ…」「あの子、家の中で遊ぶの好きだからな。そのせいかもよ。明日はあの子を公園に連れてこう」: "She runs much slower than the other kids. It looks like she's trying really hard, but she's so slow." "She likes to play inside. That may be why. Let's take her out to the park tomorrow."〔夫婦の会話(妻→夫
いい浴衣じゃない!だから旅館に泊まるのっていいわよね。: Nice Yukata! This is why I like to stay at Japanese-style hotels.〔旅館〕
うん。すごく安いわね。買っていいわよ。: Yes. That's very reasonable. You can buy it.
ほんと。洗えないから本当にイヤ。あの子、2年生の時ランドセルに牛乳こぼしたことがあってね。臭いのなんのって!でも皮でできてるから、洗えなかったのよね。: Right. I hate it because I can't wash it. He spilled milk on it when he was in second grade and it smelled really bad but I couldn't wash it because it's made of leather.
旅って人間と文化にもよるんじゃないかと思うの。私たちがタイに行った時は、とにかく物の値段は安かったわ、ちょっと汚かったけど。でもそれでもすごく楽しかった、いい友達と一緒だったし、いろいろと楽しい時間を過ごすことができたから。: I think it also depends on the people and the culture. When we went to Thailand, things were very cheap, although they were a little dirty. But we had a great time because we were with good friends
あの子、今日はすごくいい子だったのよ。掃除手伝ってくれたわ。: He was a good boy today. He helped me clean up the house.
「そろそろ赤ちゃんが欲しいって思ってるの。でもほら、私たち転勤すごく多いでしょ…」「そうなのよね。うちの子どもも学校が変わるのがかわいそうで」: "I think I'm ready to have a baby. But you know, we move too often." "I know. I feel bad when my kids have to change schools."〔主婦同士の会話(転勤族)〕
メチャクチャおかしかったわよね。あの、トイレの中で見つかっちゃうシーン…ほら、2人の??手に手をとって??。わあ、思い出しちゃった! もうホント最高におかしいの!: He was hilarious. The scene in the bathroom when they get found ... like with their -- arm in arm ... Oh, my God! Hilarious!